
Every now and then, we feel struck by an influx of emotions: sadness, anger, vulnerablity. It seems to arise from nowhere and yet feel familiar. If we look deeper, most likely these emotions are connected to what happened to us in the past, perhaps certain events in our childhood as planted a seed. Or perhaps something even eariler in the past lives. These seeds with stuck energy and emotions got buried and its little shoots come out years after. What is not released will keep arise and cause pain again.

What pschotherapy is trying to do is helping us reveal those hidden darkness from the past. It guides us to see the shadows, the pain and in the hope to disolve them from there. It is however a long journey, opening an old wound is never pleasant. There are deep rooted fear looking down and in. These individual experiences and reactions to the experiences lure us to feel like someone special, a victom of our circumstances. Our ego wants to strenthen itself and let us believe that we are unique in our sufferings. That is is simply not the truth. All humans have experienced suffering in life. There are people like us battling with hardship every moment in the world. Instead of looking deep and in ourselves, why not look around and above, feel with our hearts. We are not alone. We all have to go through life’s up and downs. Spiritual practices help us to open up our eyes and hearts and feel each other.