
I have been feeling a shift that is happening, a readiness for transformation. This feeling is growing stronger and stronger. I am ok with Change. Better yet, embrace the changes and see what it blossoms. Beautiful growth comes usually after change. It seems like the less we resist, the more opportunies present themselves. New beginning of sometimes entired unexpected. Our human mind is so limited, unable to see the millions of possible paths.

With this newly develped willingness to transform constantly, I can see better now. There is truly no Consistency. Life is evolving all the time. When we close in to our fear of change, we shut the doors of miraculous unfolding, adventures outwardly and inwardly. Our own habitual beliefs, safety nets are the ones that is protecting us and at the same time, stopping us from growing and creating new reality. We are mammals who are conditioned to find safety. Yet our planetary consciousness is wanting to grow through our limitations.

How do we transform then?

Start with observation, constantly watching ourselves throughout the day. Observe the beliefs we hold so dearly perhaps from our culture, human society, ancesters, races. Examine them carefully. What is no longer serving me? What is stopping me to discover more? What is fear driven and no longer needed? Then do a thorough cleanse and let them go. Thank them for protecting us all these time. We can now live beyong survival and towards thriving and expanding.

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