Stars & a beautiful world

The past two days, I have been waking up really early on a remote island. When I step out of the room at 4:30am, magic happens in front of my eyes - the vast tapestry of stars, moving, twinking, whispering in the my ears. Sometimes you see a bright light and then it’s gone. I close my eyes, settling inwards and start to feel a sense of security and connection. Being envelopped by all these planets, makes me feel both empty and full. We all come from the same place, the stars and I. When my journey pauses at the end of this life time, I shall return to the source again, be with the stars. How awe-inspiring it is. Being away from the city purify things. Now I can hear, now I can see. No longer under the constant distraction of man-made noises and colors.

I have this internal conflict. If I never return to the city, how can I actualize my purpose in this human world. Can I learn what I’m here to learn in the material realm. But this solitary, being with the other beings, being with the stars, moon, sun, insect sounds, ocean waves seem so familiar to me. Since birth in Shanghai, China, I have moved to smaller and smaller cities, into the more natural world. This is what heart wants. If I would to picture the ideal world for everyone to live, it will be like this, waking up to the sunrise, bird sounds, smiling ans waving at everyone you meet, then go to bed under the stars. We will still have conflicts but solving them with kindness and love. Conflicts is part of nature and way for us to evolve anyways. I want to be a part of building this beautiful world.