
As much as we all love being in a harmonious state, it is not what we experience a lot of the times. Life is constantly moving and changing, like the river turning & spiraling . Challenges rise daily. Perhaps we can turn a blind eye to the conflicts in the world, but we can’t walk away from the disharmony between our close ones and within ourselves. I have recently experienced a flight between two neighbors with intense emotional charges, a fire burning with anger, hurt, tears, yelling. What I can see is that the surface disagreement has touched the much deeper trauma within each of them. But in the heat of things, they are unable to see. The energy of the strong emotions built a wall for self protection. Just like the big conflicts that’s going on in the world right now all have deep roots into the history from generations ago. These conflicts between us individuals sometimes also root deep.


Perhaps one way to come back to harmoney is to look into the disharmony. To evolve as a being, the disharmony poses such a great opportunity for learning more about ourselves. We need to go deep, unpleasantly deep even. Perhaps asking ourselves.:

What strong feeling does the surface event evoke?

When was the last time I felt like that ? Is there a repeating pattern?

What actually is my deepest fear in this?

We don’t have to hurry to solve it. For it is sometimes our lifetime’s path to heal these old wounds. There is no rush. For now, just look at it, give it tender, loving gaze, like how we look at a seedling, a kitten, a baby.